
Human Plastic Surgery Reviews

bohemian woman on a beach

"I had the chance to meet Dr. Reynoso, a person who reflects a strong empathy for his patients and love for what he does. I strongly recommend him."

- France

"I traveled all the way from Ethiopia to Mexico to have my surgery performed by Dr. Luis. I wouldn’t have done it any other way! The doctor himself is incredible - extremely personable as attentive to what I wanted and gave great advice on what he thought would be best for me. The actual surgery went above and beyond what I expected, and the quality of care I received after the surgery was amazing. I felt so comfortable and taken care of which is extremely important post-surgery. I think that when looking for a doctor, someone who is attentive to your needs and makes you feel comforted and secure is really such a top priority and Dr. Luis checked all those boxes for me
Personable, attentive, professional and human. I highly highly recommend Dr. Luis."

- Ethiopia

"I have a 1 year and 10 months year old little girl with a cleft lip and palate. I am a young mother and for me, such news in my pregnancy was the worst thing I could hear ... I felt that we were against the world, I asked myself a thousand questions. Why did this happen to me? Why to my baby? My gynecologist guided me and helped me make the right decision. When my baby was born, many doors opened. Not only was a doctor interested in taking the case of my little girl, but the Dr. also sent us to Dr. Reynoso who was the one who gave me his collaboration. We were in the cleft lip and palate clinic where they were very attentive to my situation. With Dr. Reynoso, you realize that you are not alone and that there are many people who are going through the same thing. Dr. Reynoso and his team has given me their support to help my little girl. They provide support to people who don't know where to go. My little girl is now a normal girl and people see her as such. Dr. Reynoso, you have the best equipment and the best results."

- Mexico

"I loved how you fixed my eyes. Before the operation, I saw them and they were not my eyes ... I did not paint because it was not noticeable, anyway ... what I liked most about Dr. Reynoso is that his work is natural-looking. You cant even notice that something was done, but at the same time, there is change. I LOVED it. 👍👏a Hug. "

- Mexico

"In my long search for a doctor who loved his profession, reflected good energy, was willing to really want to help and advise, I found Dr. Luis Reynoso. The confidence that this professional human being reflects in his work has no comparison. I fully recommend."

- Colombia

"I'm Venezuelan, but I'm not looking for what Venezuelans are looking for ... My husband and I have decided to go with a doctor that gives us confidence."

- Venezuela

"Dr. Reynoso, I have no words to express gratitude for making me feel beautiful. The inner beauty counts for a lot, but when the outer does not reflect what you feel there is a certain sadness that the mirror does not show that beauty that is in you. I think that in life nothing is a coincidence and I have the experience from beginning to end of extreme care as if it were a crystal, which Dr. Reynoso was in charge of polishing and gave the most surprising result, it was an extra mile than I expected as a result. Dr. Reynoso repaired the abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti), put the navel where it should have been from the beginning and I am no longer cut in half. The mark of the surgery remained on the pubis, which is perfectly covered with a short underwear (Bikini). TOTALLY agree when he says "I will take care of the outer Beauty". Thank you very much and we'll see again soon. Rosie Hunter from Salt Lake City, Utah."​​​​​​​

- Utah

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